Alain Botton Religion for Atheists

Botton Alain : Religion for Atheists
Автор: Botton Alain
Формат: epub, fb2, txt, pdf
Год написания: 2013
Выпускающий редактор: Сайдаш Левон
Верстка: Мстислав Абельманов
Страниц - 658

О книге: Religion for Atheists

Alain de Botton's Religion for Atheists looks at the God debate with fresh eyes.
All of us, whether religious, agnostic or atheist, are searching for meaning. And in this wise and life-affirming book, non-believer Alain de Botton both rejects the supernatural claims of the major religions and points out just how many good ideas they sometimes have about how we should live.
And he suggests that non-believers can learn and steal from them.
Picking and choosing from the thousands of years of advice assembled by the world's great religions, Alain de Botton presents a range of fascinating ideas and practical insights on art, community, love, friendship, work, life and death. He shows how they can be of use to us all, irrespective of whether we do or don't believe.
In the Sunday Times top-ten bestseller Religion for Atheists, Alain de Botton takes us one step further than Dawkins and Hitchens have ventured and into a world of ideas beyond the God debate... Скачать книгу Botton Alain : Religion for Atheists.
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